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New Author

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Chapter1: Fresh Start

Maybee is a dull town, I thought as I got out of my father’s jeep and walked up the sidewalk to our new house. It was mid-august, and we had just moved, again. The ninth move in two years. I looked up at the house, an ugly two story yellow thing that very closely resembled a large box, and sighed.


How is it that I get the electric bill for the prior tenant of this temporal space?


 By Wren Phoenix/R.Allen Zinn

The Other Way Around -1-

This is fantasy. I promise it is, well, at least to my knowledge it is? If you can prove it otherwise contact me. I would love to open a travel agency :) He* I might even go there myself.


A tail of Two Bloods


A Tail of Two Bloods

By Kitten

Chapter one: The Street Rat Fox

Gamma Test

Gamma Trials

By: Annette MacGregor

Thorn of Hearts

“Ouch!  Oh…ouchity…ouch…ouch!”  Li-eira practically hopped on one foot as her body processed the painful prickling of a vine of thorns.  She had been reaching for one of the loveliest pink roses and had carelessly neglected to see the patch of briars that was protecting it.  Ugly red welts were already chasing the scratch up her arm, and the

Those Follies of Timeless Fancies by R.K.Galvez





To Gamussi Rubello[a.k.a.Old Gammy Rubb]:

The Hidden Hazard Of Being A Stuntman 4


- The Hidden Hazard -

- Of Being A Stuntman -




* Chapter Four *

-The Creation Of Annie Begins-



Here Today...

In which a mystery of long standing is solved, mewling writers and chirping critics battle for the last laugh, and one storyteller discovers that there are worse fates for satire and its practitioners than closing on Saturday night...

My Worst Fears

Note: This is from my life its non-fictional auto biography, Since my real Diary from the time are actually long gone I had to piece together my memories of the events for those 2 days.

Freezing spirits of Air

by Matthew Skala


My cat watches me from his patch of sunlight. No familiar spirit this year; just an ordinary cat, black and sleek and wise in the manner of cats. Does he feel my pain? I have heard that cats have a similar disease, a slow waning of the body's defenses. But can he comprehend my unique fear?

When I was young and immortal I feared nothing; but in eight centuries I have grown wiser. Even as I advanced my position, removing my enemies one by one, I was learning the price of such advancement. Wizards have long memories, I know this; even dead ones. I fear not death but who waits for me on the other side.

The Hidden Hazard Of Being A Stuntman 3


- The Hidden Hazard -

- Of Being A Stuntman -




* Chapter Three *

Meeting Of The Minds-

 Or, Danny gets Snowed!


The Hidden Hazard Of Being A Stuntman 2

* Chapter Two *

The Show Must Go On!




       “Well guys, looks like you can start packing it up.” said the production manager, Bob Wellington.


The Hidden Hazard Of Being A Stuntman 1

This story is of a different parallel dimension, though it's much like ours. The technical advances are of a more biological nature and the plant life looks the same but has much different and more friendly properties for the humans that live there. In this one, only some of the females even smoke at all. It's not even hazardous for them... in fact it's loaded with beneficial natural hormonal stuff! Only the wise elder women even know of the benefits of it. Such stuff when smoked makes men ill in the mornings for days... naturally, for the first week or so at least... and they leave it well enough alone, though only such women and doctors... know the why of it.


- The Hidden Hazard -

- Of Being A Stuntman -

-By- PattieBFine


*Chapter One*

Where's The Beef?


Chris & Julia's Big Day Chapter 12


Whats that ya say? Nena and Gaby? By 'eck nah there's a tale to tell!

Drew's American Trip is over Chapter2


Drew's American Adventure is over.

by Sharp

Drew's American Trip is over Chapter1


Drew's American Adventure is over.

by Sharp

Chris & Julia's Big Day Chapter 11


Whats that ya say? Nena and Gaby? By 'eck nah there's a tale to tell!

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 2

Gaby & the Half Term Break by Sharp


Chapter 2


Chris & Julia's Big Day Chapter 10


Whats that ya say? Nena and Gaby? By 'eck nah there's a tale to tell!

Chris & Julia's Big Day Chapter 9


Whats that ya say? Nena and Gaby? By 'eck nah there's a tale to tell!

Chris & Julia's Big Day Chapter 8



Whats that ya say? Nena and Gaby? By 'eck nah there's a tale to tell! Sharp does his best with this brand new fanfic which includes characters from both my Gaby and Nena series!

Chris & Julia's Big Day Chapter 7


Whats that ya say? Nena and Gaby? By 'eck nah there's a tale to tell!

Chris & Julia's Big Day Chapter 6



Whats that ya say? Nena and Gaby? By 'eck nah there's a tale to tell! Sharp does his best with this brand new fanfic which includes characters from both my Gaby and Nena series!

Chris & Julia's Big Day Chapter 5


Whats that ya say? Nena and Gaby? By 'eck nah there's a tale to tell!

Chris & Julia's Big Day Chapter 4


Whats that ya say? Nena and Gaby?

Chris & Julia's Big Day Chapter 3


Whats that ya say? Nena and Gaby? By 'eck nah there's a tale to tell!

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