Serial Chapter

Serial Chapter

Continuous narrative presented in chapters, with or without a definite planned ending. Novels or even shorter works may be serialized, or an open-ended soap opera-style work would be a serial.

Continuous narrative presented in chapters, with or without a definite planned ending. Novels or even shorter works may be serialized, or an open-ended soap opera-style work would be a serial.

A tail of Two Bloods


A Tail of Two Bloods

By Kitten

Chapter one: The Street Rat Fox

This is an Unexpected Bump for Sure -- 25

Boy is it dark!
I sense a presence in front of me – or – my sense of smell senses the presence – and boy does it sense it – phew!

A 23rd Century Girl in the 20th Century, Chapter 20 (Final Chapter of Book One)


This is the final chapter of Book One for now,
but there may be more added later.

“I know why you are here. I have already read your mind. I also know where the others are and I will soon recapture them and bring them back. You want to tell me about your god. Correct?” Pharaoh mentally projected these thoughts to Lizzie Jane's mind. He knew that he was correct, but wanted Lizzie Jane to confess her plans.
A 23rd Century Girl
in the 20th Century
Chapter 20
(Final Chapter of Book One)

Amanda's Eyes - Chapter 11

Chapter Eleven – Game Day (Amanda)

It was late Friday afternoon and Amanda should have been preparing for her football game date with Ken.
She wasn’t.

This is an Unexpected Bump for Sure -- 24

“Thank you for rescuing me.”
“It was the door.”
“How’s that?”
“It’s your own personal door – it’s with you all the time now, sort of surrounds you.”
“Thank God!  Now I’m free!”

The Hidden Hazard Of Being A Stuntman 4


- The Hidden Hazard -

- Of Being A Stuntman -




* Chapter Four *

-The Creation Of Annie Begins-



The Midnight Tower R - Prologue - Voice

[This chapter contains some violence. It's pretty heavy, but not too bad, in my opinion. If it is too much, I apologize, but I don't know the standards you're used to here.]

A 23rd Century Girl in the 20th Century, Chapter 18

“Yes, you are wondering about the zombies. They were our enemies, so I have taken removed all previous thoughts from their minds and replaced it with only the ability to serve us. They know nothing else and are used as guards against other enemies. They neither eat or sleep, but are given long life –hundreds of your years. They are bandaged as zombies because their flesh cannot survive such a long life. You and the young lady with you will be spared that fate – but the others with you may not.”


A 23rd Century Girl


in the 20th Century


Chapter 18



A 23rd Century Girl in the 20th Century, Chapter 17


A 23rd Century Girl

in the 20th Century


Chapter 17


“Yes, zombies,” stated Jake. “Those things wrapped in bandages that grabbed us.”

“Things that grabbed you? When? How? I must ask the Pharaoh about that,” replied Lizzie Jane.

The Hidden Hazard Of Being A Stuntman 2

* Chapter Two *

The Show Must Go On!




       “Well guys, looks like you can start packing it up.” said the production manager, Bob Wellington.


The Hidden Hazard Of Being A Stuntman 1

This story is of a different parallel dimension, though it's much like ours. The technical advances are of a more biological nature and the plant life looks the same but has much different and more friendly properties for the humans that live there. In this one, only some of the females even smoke at all. It's not even hazardous for them... in fact it's loaded with beneficial natural hormonal stuff! Only the wise elder women even know of the benefits of it. Such stuff when smoked makes men ill in the mornings for days... naturally, for the first week or so at least... and they leave it well enough alone, though only such women and doctors... know the why of it.


- The Hidden Hazard -

- Of Being A Stuntman -

-By- PattieBFine


*Chapter One*

Where's The Beef?


This is an Unexpected Bump for Sure -- 23

"Wait a minute!" I hear him say from beyond the door, wherever that is.

He comes back in, brings a chair, the two other men strip my clothes off me, tie me to the chair and put a bindfoild and gag on me.

"There!", he says, "That ought to do it!"

"This is getting bad,"  I think.

This is an Unexpected Bump for Sure -- 22

He looks at me.  I look away.  He grabs my chin and forces my face to where I have to look at him.  I close my eyes.  He slaps me.
“Keep your eyes open!”  He says.
I comply.
“What are you!”   He yells.
“What do you mean?” I reply.
“What are you!”  He yells louder.

Chris & Julia's Big Day Chapter 3


Whats that ya say? Nena and Gaby? By 'eck nah there's a tale to tell!

This is an Unexpected Bump for Sure -- 21

It’s Jacques that goes forward to meet them.  The men, in camouflage fatigues, brush right by him.  He’s saying “I have authorization by the Israeli Antiquities . . . “

This is an Unexpected Bump for Sure -- 20

It was a hallway -- a corridor -- couldn't see the walls, but it was nonetheless a corridor -- couldn't move left or right, just straight ahead.

Then ended.

In the reddish landscape.  Just POP!

Then there they were:  Chloe and Ralph and  Brian and Tom and Dick and Harry and Ahmed and Raphael and Jacques.


Chris & Julia's Big Day Chapter 1

Chris & Julia's Big Day

by Sharp 2008

Healing a Princess. . . 28 (Lakeview)


Healing a Princess 28
Written by Tim Knight

This is an Unexpected Bump for Sure -- 19

“It’s a door!” I say, “A door upstairs!  How’d that happen?

Healing a Princess. . . 25 (On the Lake)

 Healing a Princess


(On the Lake)


By Tim Knight


Amanda's Eyes - Chapter 10

Ten - Game Day

To get the whole weekend off, Ken had to work every night that week, so he didn’t have time for much beyond school, community service, homework, and his job.

This is an Unexpected Bump for Sure -- 17

Wow, the way things happen.  So Raphael knows some people.  He’s been around.  He’s a surprising surprise.  Quite the cosmopolitan.  He has been helpful.
We are looking over the digs when men come up and talk with Jacques.  Jacques comes over with them.  They have uniforms on.

This is an Unexpected Bump for Sure -- 16

“Mon Dieu!” Raphael exclaimed.
“What is it?”
“La Mer Morte.”
”The Dead Sea?”  Chloe asked.
“Quite so,” Raphael said emphatically.  “Look at those!!  It’s a total row of doors!”
“Yes,” I said.
Raphael moved closer to inspect.

This is an Unexpected Bump for Sure -- 15

“We were nothing too.”
“Nothing, too.”
“Nothing too.”
“But you’re not nothing.”
“Nothing exists in the Nothing.”
“Okay,” I said, “let me show you.”  And I pulled the door out of my pocket.

This is an Unexpected Bump for Sure -- 14

We sit down at Raphael’s restaurant, at a sidewalk table.
“Won’t somebody notice “Pierre” there?”  Asks Chloe.

Amanda's Eyes - Chapter 9

Nine – Preparations

The Children of Lilith (Chapters 1-3)

The Children of Lilith

By Daughter of Theon
All happy families resemble one another, each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.
Leo Tolstoy:-Anna Karenina

This is an Unexpected Bump for Sure -- 13

“Raff!” shouts the sales clerk, “Comment allez vous?”
“Tres bien,” Raphael replies, “Est-ce que tu connais mes amis?”
“Un peu. Porquois ils et tu entre sans habiillement?”
“Long story,” Raphael replies.
Then he turns to me.

Amanda's Eyes - Chapter 8

Eight – Second thoughts

Amanda's Eyes - Chapter 7

Seven – The Shock

...Even more strange, she’d just spent at least half an hour in the presence of other people without shouting at anyone, without cursing, without really thinking at all about not being able to see. Just what was she really feeling?


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