Amanda's Eyes - Chapter 11
Submitted by woody on Sun, 08/09/2009 - 16:04Chapter Eleven – Game Day (Amanda)
It was late Friday afternoon and Amanda should have been preparing for her football game date with Ken.
She wasn’t.
Amanda's Eyes - Chapter 1 & 2
Submitted by woody on Sat, 08/23/2008 - 19:23He needs community service credit to graduate from High School. She recently lost her sight and is having trouble dealing with her disability. His description of her, "She's about as friendly as a razor wire fence." Her description of him, "I can tell by the smell that it's the same pile of crap again today." Sounds like a perfect match doesn't it?
That Magic Dance
Submitted by woody on Wed, 05/07/2008 - 19:18Have you ever noticed how little things -- a smell -- a texture -- a song, can bring back a memory so vivid you’d swear you were there, in that moment, once again?