
Amanda's Eyes - Chapter 17 - "Boo"

Seventeen – “Boo”

The next day at school started out as pretty much the same old story. Amanda dressed in a sweater and jeans, brushed her hair, and got help from her mom with a little bit of makeup; couldn’t do much since she was unable to touch it up during the day.

Amanda's Eyes - Chapter 15

 Fifteen – A Bad Day Turns Out Good

At lunch time Friday, Ken sat alone in the cafeteria, eating his lunch and thinking, “This is one of those days.”

Amanda's Eyes - Chapter 14 - Like a Walk in the Park

Fourteen – Like a Walk in the Park

Tuesday was no different than Monday. Sweatshirt, jeans, guide, classes, no one to talk to, no friends, no enemies, no expectations, no fun -- just a boring, uneventful day ending with the “wonderful” after-school reading program.

Amanda's Eyes - Chapter 13 - There’s Enough Blame for Everyone

Thirteen - There’s Enough Blame for Everyone

Waking up early Sunday morning, Ken tried to convince himself that the end of the previous evening was nothing but a horrible nightmare. Unfortunately the evidence surrounding him told him that it was all too real.

Amanda's Eyes - Chapter 12 - Let's Dance

Twelve -- Let’s Dance 

The glowing feeling from her date the night before was still with her when Amanda woke up late Saturday morning.

Amanda's Eyes - Chapter 11

Chapter Eleven – Game Day (Amanda)

It was late Friday afternoon and Amanda should have been preparing for her football game date with Ken.
She wasn’t.

Amanda's Eyes - Chapter 1 & 2

He needs community service credit to graduate from High School. She recently lost her sight and is having trouble dealing with her disability. His description of her, "She's about as friendly as a razor wire fence." Her description of him, "I can tell by the smell that it's the same pile of crap again today." Sounds like a perfect match doesn't it?

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