New Site on the Block

Fictioneer as a new general fiction site updates the idea of a blogging site for authors. Why just blog when you can post stories, get comments from readers and discuss things with your peers?

Oh, and it's free! No charge to the authors to post here and no charge to the readers to read. At some future point, we may have premium content and perhaps even offer e-books or paperbacks. Authors may even get paid for writing, wouldn't that be novel?

I'll be inviting a few authors to participate during a sort of shakedown cruise. If you're surfing and have found this place and would like to be part of the fun, go ahead and apply for membership. You'll have instant access to comment on stories and as soon as I see your application, I'll turn on some other features for you like blogging and posting stories.

If you don't want to join but do want to comment, login as Guest Reader, password Fictioneer! The capital F and ! are required.

It's early yet but I've got high hopes for Fictioneer.

- Joyce



When it comes to Copy-right I think this link will clear up most of the questions.

As for if someone use my ideas?

"Plagiarism is the sincerest type of flattery" or something to that matter :)
And fan-fiction seems to make it a truth. And if it's good it's good, right?

If you have that perfect novel, try to send it to several publishers over the net, you can post it in small parts here too, but, sl0o0wly so? Most of us are just happy that someone read what we write :)

And what we -- really like -- is -- comments -- .
At least I do?

So that's the real reward for us net-writers. The good comments, and sometimes the bad too, but we do prefer the good ones first :)
A human failing I think? Anyway, "publish and be damned" as someone said :)


I'm sure (s)he did..
Parallel universe?

Was it?

And remember to have fun.


reality crisis??? Be careful...

because mirrors frequently lie.

Just take a close look at how shadowy the outlines are and how the mirror does not always follow your rapid movements faithfully.

Be careful of what a mirror tells you, it may have it's own agenda.


PS I find it much more disconcerting when I look at the list of who's on the site at BC and find there is more than one of me. I begin to start looking over my shoulder at that point wondering if "the Invasion of the Bodysnatchers" has beome reality.

Reality Crisis

Sometimes I come to FICTIONEER & at the bottom it says there are O USERS and 0 GUESTS here.
Then I have to run to the mirror and make sure that I really exist!
~~hugs, Laika

Don't we all have that problem at times?

The count of users and guests is accurate but not timely. :)


We Need to Sell Our Stories

We need to go online every day and become part
of the action and encourage our friends and
relatives to do the same. I have been online
when there is only one person present. Me. I
review my stories everyday and I am always looking
to improve or correct my stories. Other authors
need to get online and start the momentum going.
What is exciting about BCTS is the amount of persons
always on. It has a lot of guests and a lot of authors
always reading stories. We need to become part of BCTS
and blog asking them to visit Fictioneer! To read what
we have to offer. I put my story BWANA on both BCTS
and Fictioneer! However, I put The Bandit's Lair only
on Fictioneer! What is needed is for a group of
authors to get together post quality stories and invite
some of the readers at BCTS to read what we offer. I am
sure not everyone wants to read a gender bender story
all the time. We offer something different but so does
BCTS and they have some excellent stories.

Okay, I'm trying something similar.

I've posted Dena here, and I have a serial story that I'll ne posting here soon. I made a point of mentioning Dena on BCTS, hoping to generate some interest here. We'll see what happens!


Re: New Site on the Block


I found a link to this site on another page, and my curiosity got the better of me. I would like to start posting stories here, but I have a few concerns that perhaps you can address for me, Joyce. I understand copyright such that my writing is automatically copyrighted upon creation, or at least I believe that is the law in the U.S. I worry, however, about plagiarism, though I don't know if anyone would ever think my writing worthy of copying. Second, I am concerned because I read somewhere that posting a story on the web is often considered prior publication by publishers, and that those publishers will not publish anything that has already appeared on the web in any forum or context. From first glance, it appears that anyone is able to read any of the stories posted on this site without need to log in. In other words, it's published--out there, for all the world to see--no password protection. I think it would be fun to get feedback on my work, but whether publishers would then consider actually publishing anything I have previously posted here is another concern.

I haven't read all the posts, so I apologize if you have already addressed these issues in the past. I am very curious to read your response, however. If you have written about these topics before, please let me know where I can find it. Perhaps you did not intend this for anything other that practice or exercise by budding writers. If that's the case, the feedback could be just as helpful to a writer who admits without apology that she hopes to one day be published.

Thank you!


Publication on the web - comments needed

Yes, many publishers regard sites like Fictioneer to be prior publication. So that may be a problem.


Should there be a private version of the site for Members only? And maybe an inner sanctum :) for Authors only?


- Joyce

It Would be Nice

To have a special place where an author can
post his work and get feedback and the posting
would not be considered publication. A place
where other authors can comment and offer suggestions.
Recently I had a story on Story Mash, it was also a
the featured story for a while, where the suggestion
was made that the story abruptly ended. So a two
thousand word story went to seven thousand.

Also, it would be great if we could sell our stories
on line. Where for a dollar a reader would have access
to stories that got hot and were taken off of free
readership and restricted to paying guests only. A
dollar for free access for one month is not much to
pay if you were being given access to stories
that were interesting and well written. That would
encourage us to tell our friends and relatives to pay
the dollar and go online. The money to be divided
between the site and the authors according to how
many people read your story. Just a thought.

Why is Publication on the Web a problem?

I don't understand. If a story is good, what does it matter to a publisher if it has already appeared on the web?

(Secretly I have been wishing that someone would see my story and get it published for me.)

I have read many books that were orginally published by a different publisher than the one I read.

Anyway, I am hoping to self-published my novel some day.

Starla Anne

Why a problem??? I agree but they seem to feel...

once a story has appeared upon the Web, many publishers seem to feel that "all the world" has seen it and that there would be no monetary return for them in physically publishing the story.
People would simply look up the title or auther, find the story and download it for free. Thus no monetary return for the publisher's investment in a literary work.

It is for that reason that I place works on the web, which I do not intend to try to place with my agent. I presently am placing two full length works on the web (and intend to place the full set of both series). These stories are in no way related to those which I place with my agent (under a contract which I never should have signed). There are many ways to publish and others here may have more information which they would like to share so you may have a more informed background upon which to make your decision.

One further note... take a look at BC (Big closet -- top shelf) as there are many there who could also provide you with information.

God Bless You


Publication on the web

I think a private version for members only should be provided. That way I could have revised my Lizzie Jane stories into a novel without putting so much on at the same time and taking up space.

I am still hoping to get those stories self-published some way.


As a Non-Author of Stories...

...I'm not sure my answer would have any weight. That said:

- a members-only restriction wouldn't bother me as long as membership remained free or costs were nominal. I'm not clear on what that would accomplish, though. It'd still be electronic publication that's accessible to the public.

- I'd object to restricting the site to authors. I'd like to think I at least sometimes have things to say in my comments that are useful to authors; I've read extensively in the SF field, written non-fiction, and edited and published a print newsletter that did in fact pay (albeit in two-figure sums) for submissions.

(FWIW, though times and the Internet have changed since 2000-2001 when this was relevant, I did decide to publish and pay for a round-table e-discussion series that had previously appeared on a website that no longer existed, on the condition that new material in the series would be forthcoming when the online backlog ended. In a couple of other cases, I paid for republished material that came from e-newsletters with very restricted circulation, or had been originally distributed by email.

I did have to stop photocopying and selling reprints of one monograph-length research paper when the author sold a book-length version to a print publisher. I don't know whether the publisher knew about me; I did so at the request/demand of the author, who had copyrighted the work (unlike most of what I published, which was arguably work-for-hire).

But present-day situations like this site, if it stays up, probably aren't very comparable.)

Prior Publication and e-sites

Yes. Unfortunately, paper print publishers do refer to electronic posts of an Author's works to be prior publication. I say unfortunately since I, myself, have also fallen into this trap. Most publishers don't seem to realize that many times the electronic offering is important to the recognition an author needs (in addition to the reader and other author's feedback which helps us develop stronger story plots) in our effort to establish a 'track record'. Those very same paper print publishers create a 'which comes first' scenerio by wanting only authors with proven track records.
Should there be a private site? That is difficult to answer.
Many of us (Authors) have little time to review and critique constructively the works of other Authors. This would be a wonderful thing, however, as the collaberation would likely aid each of us in the improvment of our works.
Time, to which I am certain Joyce may relate, is the problem.
I find my ability to produce story material varies day to day. Sometimes I produce a five word change and other days pound out as much as 10,000 words in two or three new chapters. I never work on one story at a time as my 'writer's block' may inhibit me from producing within one story while suddenly I am going 'full steam ahead' in another.
The time I need to break away from my producing would be a 'burnout' period so I likely could not produce any viable assistance to any story I read.
Sorry. As much as I would like to see a private version, I must vote against it. For the time being anyway. It would be unfair to the other Authors for me to voice my opinion in their works when I many times am uncertain as to the path my own works are taking me. You see, I just go along for the ride. My characters (and sometimes that is exactly what they are) play act for me and I just try to 'get it all down' before they depart the stage. It may be a daunting task.

Thank-you for allowing me this time upon my soapbox, sorry, crate of eggs.

God Bless
T.D. Aldoennetti

P.S. One further thought. Those self-same publishers frequently republish material which has been previously published (they call it reprinting, I believe). Yes, usually it is something they themselves published in the past but I have seen examples of the publishing of material which was previously published by another publisher. I am unaware if there were special or extenuating circumstances in those cases.


so how do you get on the serials list?

at your service,
Dale M. Cannon

Sorry about that

I have to do that by hand and I've been remiss. I'll take care of it tonight or tomorrow.


Looks like spammers have discovered the site

hate it when they dump in all of the comments. Good reason for member and author approval.

Amateur cabinetmaker - that's what the name means.

Spam deleted

Comments by unlogged in writers will be screened before publishing. If spamming continues, I'll simply ban unlogged in comments entirely.


- Joyce


Sorry that it's more work for you as Admin Joyce.

Amateur cabinetmaker - that's what the name means.


I love this new site! I'm looking forward to being able to post some of my non-tg stories here. I'm looking forward to seeing what the future has in store for Fictioneer! :)

It looks good

I am excited about being on your website. It looks to be a great medium of expression.

at your service,
Dale M. Cannon

Glad to have you

And welcome!

- Joyce

Well, I Say

That I hope to see many young authors come here and post their stories. There are several excellent stories here by authors that are worthy of being published. Me, I look forward to seeing them published.

May Your Light Forever Shine

Authors to be approved....

...then I may not be approved?

If not, I can't blame you. My stories get too "far out" sometimes, but I still don't think as much as it does on television.

"Prairie's Children" is going to take an unusual twist that would border on unbelievability.

Starla Anne

Members have to be approved by me

It's part of the shakedown cruise, to be sure I don't have a hole in security that spammers can get in with. Approve as in mark a check box on a form, not approve as in check them out for appropriateness.

I probably should have said confirm. :)

- Joyce


I'd like one in that blue with the yellow logo. I couldn't wear it to work though, we're not supposed to admit we make things up. ::grin::

- Donna Lamb, Flack

Ms. Editor Lady...

Feel free to change any of the ratings on my stories as you see fit, as I'm still shaky on what's what. For example, would 'Off-Camera Christmas' be okay for Young Readers, or not due to the mention of the drinking problem at the end?


I wanted to post a blog with my intents, but I guess I have to settle for waiting until I'm authorized... I like the new logo, by the way! Very 4-Color.

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