What are all those editor buttons for?

 A brief explanation of each of the buttons in the editor bar. This is for the Wysiwyg editor, not the mini-editor for people who prefer to write their own HTML. To use many of the buttons, you have to highlight some text with the cursor for the button to work on. Some of the buttons have warnings with them. Some have hotkeys which I have indicated. I've numbered the buttons counting from the left:

First line

  1. B - bold - This button puts highlighted text into boldface. Control-b.
  2. I - italic - This button emphasizes highlighted text with italics. Control-i.
  3. U - underline - A button to underline highlighted text. Control-u.
  4. ABC - strikethrough - Draws a line through highlighted text.
  5. X2 - subscript - Makes highlighted text small and below the line. Don't use when you are at the end of the text you are typing. Finish a line, then go back and highlight the part you want subscripted. Editor bug.
  6. X2 - superscript - Makes highlighted text small and above the line. Same editor bug as subscript so don't use at the end of a line.
  7. Numbered list - Makes highlighted text into a numbered list, starting at 1. Each new line becomes a new number. In order to undo this, like you've finished the list and are typing the next line, type a word or two, highlight them and hit this button again to turn it off.
  8. Bullet list - Just like above but line items are marked with a square 'bullet' instead of a number.
  9. Shift left - Shift highlighted text to the left, by paragraphs. Outdent, you could say.
  10. Shift right - Shift highlighted text to the right. Indent. Don't use 9 and 10 on less than full paragraphs, the results are not what you'd expect.
  11. Blockquote - Indents paragraph on both sides. On some browsers it only indents on the left.
  12. Justify left 
  13. Center
  14. Justify right
  15. Full justify - 12-15 are found on most editors. They work on full lines, if you highlight one word in a line and use one of these, it will operate on the whole line or do something unexpected.
  16. Break - Defines the teaser break, very important. Will also put in a blank line.
  17. Page - Inserts a pagebreak for really long posts. Readers can page through the post with numbers at the bottom of the text.

Second Line

  1. Cut - Works like cut in most editors, cuts text to clipboard. Some browsers it does not work. Control-x may work, or Command-x on Macs.
  2. Copy - Copies text to clipboard. Some browser settings will block this. Control/Command-c may work.
  3. Paste - Pastes text from the clipboard. Some browser settings block the Control/Command-v equivalent so you have to actually use this button which will bring up a pop-up window.
  4. Paste as plain text - Paste from the clipboard to a pop-up window, stripping out formatting before inserting into the edit window.
  5. Paste from MSWord - Works like the above in a pop-up window but maintains formatting from MSWord while stripping out unnecessary code. Offers a couple of options. Try them to see which way you want to use them but DO USE THIS IF PASTING FROM MSWORD. Also works for pasting from other word processor programs like Pages and Star.
  6. Search - In Firefox, this will open a window to define a search of the text you've entered in the editing window. Doesn't work in most other browsers.
  7. Replace - Does search and replace on your text in Firefox but does not work in other browsers.
  8. Select all - Highlights your entire document. Control/Command-a.
  9. Remove Format - Removes all formatting commands from highlighted text. Removes bold, italic, indent, fonts, lists. Everything. Dangerous.
  10. Insert Link - Let's you put in a link to another place on the web. Highlighted text becomes the link text. Also, for authors, allows you to upload a .pdf, .txt or .rtf file to the server and creates a download link. Audio and video files can be uploaded too with special permissions.
  11. Remove Link - Removes the link associated with highlighted text.
  12. Insert/Edit Anchor - Marks a spot in your text to be used as a destination for links. If you don't know what this is, you'll probably never use it.
  13. Insert image - Insert an image that is hosted somewhere on the web. For authors, they can also upload an image, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, .png, to the server for use in their posts. Uploaded images will be resized to fit F!o requirements.
  14. Insert/Edit table - Pop-up wizard for helping you build a table for data. Fills in how many rows and columns, width and other stuff. Will create table from highlighted text, offer editing of highlighted table or create blank table. Scary.
  15. Insert Horizontal Line - It puts the horizontal line below the line you are on unless you are at the beginning of the line in which case it puts it above. Do it in the middle of a line and it will break your text above and below. The line can be formatted bold, indented or justified.
  16. Insert Special Character - Brings up a pop-up menu of special characters for the current font. Like @, ©, Ä, é, §, ¥ etc. Useful. Some browser settings will screw up the appearance of these characters.
  17. Show Blocks - Try it, it's harmless. Shows the HTML blocks your text is divided into. Useful for finding some formatting problems.

 Third Line.

  1. Select Format -  A drop-down menu of pre-defined formats for your highlighted text. Normal is the default. Some of these don't do what they seem to do, so be careful.
  2. Select Font - Drop-down menu of fonts. These fonts were chosen because they look good on screen and most browsers have them installed so your text will appear to your reader the way you expect. Yes, Tahoma, Arial and Verdana look pretty much the same as do Georgia and Times New Roman. Verdana is the default font at F!o.
  3. Select Size - Make text larger or smaller or pick a particular size. There are seven defined relative sizes. 
  4. Text Color - Color picker for highlighted text with defined choices. Two menus of colors, 41 or 240.
  5. Background Color - As above but defines background color.
  6. Source - For directly editing HTML. Not for the faint-hearted.

I will add to and edit this from time to time if I change things.

-- Joyce


Pasting from MSWord

Would probably work for pasting from any format-included word processors, like OpenOffice or WordPerfect, too.

MS Word

I have been pasting from MS Word.


I know :)

Without the cleanup that the Paste from Word feature does, a 5000 character file bloats to somewhere between 12,000 and 30,000. Word includes tons of commands that do nothing at all. This makes editing the post difficult, too.


ooooops sorry.

I'll see if I can figure it out so I'm not using as much server space.

Like I have said before, I'm puter dum. :)

I'll try to figure it out.

Tim Knight

Paste from word

If you use the Paste from word button in the editor, it will clean up 80 to 90 percent of the excess. There will still be some excess but minor stuff.

It's not space that's the problem, it's bandwidth and processor time.

- Joyce

Posting from...........

I use WordPerfect by Corel. This is the same program used heavily by the Fed. When I post, I highlight the material I wish to transfer and save it to my notepad. Then I move into the story slot on this site and paste. I haven't noticed extreme additions of command structure but have seen some insertion of blank lines which I edit out before saving. Yes it is a bit time consuming but nothing like trying to type everything in from scratch.

Is there something special I should be doing?
Am I creating extremely large files on your system?

Nice site by the way.

T D Aldoennetti


Your stuff looks fine. :)

Entries in Fictioneer are saved in a compressed database, not in files directly. This has advantages and disadvantages. So far, we're well uphill of any disadvantages. :)

I write directly into a simple editor called BBEdit. Then I cut and paste from there.


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