Star Trek

At last!

This is long overdue I think. It's the old format with a new twist.

We meet Jim Kirk, Bones, Scotty, Uhura and Spock before they even leave the academy and by golly it's a good-un!

I could go on for ages about the plot, but I think the best thing is to leave you all to find out and watch it. That way, I don't give the game away.

Instead, I would like to say how few times remakes work and although this isn't a remake - it's a rehash of old characters in new forms, boy have they got it right this time.

You'll probably recognise Zachary Quinto from Heroes (Sylar) as Spock, Simon Pegg (Run, fat boy, run - How to lose friends and alienate people) as Scotty, Chris Pine from Princess Diaries II as James T. Kirk, Karl Urban (Bourne supremacy, Doom, Chrinicles of Riddick, Ghost ship and many others) as Bones and of course, Leonard Nimoy as Spock.

If you're confused because there are two Spocks, fear not as it all becomes perfectly logical (captain) as the plot unfolds.

The chemistry between the characters is, dare I say, even better in this than in the originals and the story much more believable than the original series too. They've even got Christopher Pike - the original captain from the original series played by Bruce Greenwood (The Core, National Treasure 2, Deja Vu).

All I can say is that it surpassed my expectations and I think it will surpass yours too - if you're a fan that is.

Nuff said...

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